Friday, April 20, 2012

Newt "Colony on the Moon" Gingrich strikes again.

This guy is mutherfucking crazy. Below lies a video of Newt Gingrich speaking at the National Rifle Associations "Leadership Forum" a few days ago. In a nutshell, he intends to lobby the UN to include "the right to bear arms" on the Charter for Human Rights. No that wasn't a typo, you actually read that.

But really, that's only the tip of the ice berg with jowly here. Here are some more of his pure mental ideas:
  • Schools should hire economically disadvantaged students as janitors
  • NASA should put up lasers in space to combat the threat of missiles
  • Gay fascists are out to get America
  • Establishing a permanent colony on the moon by the end of his "second term" as US president. (ppfft!)
  • America is in danger of being taken over by radical Muslim atheists


I do love how the last one shows the complete lack of any actual understanding of.. well.. words and their meanings. Here’s the direct quote:
"I am convinced that if we do not decisively win the struggle over the nature of America, by the time they're my age they will be in a secular atheist country, potentially one dominated by radical Islamists and with no understanding of what it once meant to be an American." -Gingrich (retrieved from

And the really jarring thing about this is that but a few short months ago this tin-foil-hatted-pastry-boy was the FRONT RUNNER to the the republican candidate for the 2012 US presidential election. THE FRONT RUNNER! And even though he didn’t win the GOP race.. he seems to be still running?! Well, you cant say he isn't committed to the whole delusional outlook thing, can you? Normally I'd be all for two republican candidates running for election in the same race in the hopes that they'd split the red votes and fuck right off as a result...but unless Mittens Romney really screws up Gingrich just screaming into space. Much like his moon colony.

But do ya know what? Following the election so far would have been quite boring so far with out Newt and Herman "Pokemon quoting/sexual harassment/electrocute Mexicans" Cain and of course Rick "Ass juice" Santorum.

As a parting shot, there is a video that I want to post but you will not be able to watch because you have to be in americaland to see it.  If you have jimmyed your browser, it’s this one.
If you’re considering jimmying your browser it’s worth the 3 minutes you’ll spend doing it to watch John Lithgow do a dramatic (and seriously wonderful) reading of the following honest-to-god official press release by none other than Captain Crackpot himself.....Gingrich.

“The literati sent out their minions to do their bidding. Washington cannot tolerate threats from outsiders who might disrupt their comfortable world. The firefight started when the cowardly sensed weakness. They fired timidly at first, then the sheep not wanting to be dropped from the establishment's cocktail party invite list unloaded their entire clip, firing without taking aim their distortions and falsehoods. Now they are left exposed by their bylines and handles. But surely they had killed him off. This is the way it always worked. A lesser person could not have survived the first few minutes of the onslaught. But out of the billowing smoke and dust of tweets and trivia emerged Gingrich, once again ready to lead those who won't be intimated by the political elite and are ready to take on the challenges America faces.” (retrieved from:

Part of me wishes that Irish politics was this entertaining.

1 comment:

Nurse Fancy Pants said...

I find that man terrifying. You just know he will somehow eventually get into some position of power..shudder.