Monday, June 14, 2010

to be* or not to be*


5 things that are awesome

1. Bombay Pantry Chicken tikka masala - get in to my belly.

2. Beethovens Moonlight sonata 3rd movement played by Daniel Barenboim - GO OLD DUDE!

3. The Wire - what I've seen so far is amazing. Apart from all the surprise cock in season two, Why??

4. I'm on a boat AND, it's going fast AND, I've got a nautical themed pashmina afghan

5. This video - laugh laugh laugh laugh.

5 things that are not awesome

1. Talking like you're in an episode of the Wire - mos' def shortie.

2. Finding out pivotal plot points of the wire from Google predictive search - D'OH!

3. No being able to hurt my phones feelings - i just feel that stamping on it isn't getting the point

4. Using "dot com" as a phrase in conversation where it does not belong. Example, 'i was terrified dot com but now I'm ecstatic dot ie!" or "That's a bit last minute dot com!". Die.

5. On a Saturday afternoon, thinking that you're ringing Michael your friend, when you're actually ringing Michéal a scary manager from work, noooooooooooooooo!!

word up to ya mama

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