Greetings from my parents sofa!
Since we last spoke I went on a short holiday to Berlin, it was class! I did lots of fun stuff, but instead of boring you with the details i'm just going to list my top 4 things and my bottom 4 things.
Berlin Top 4
1. Fat Tire bike tours - I'm never doing a bus tour ever again, absolutely the best way to see a new city.
2. Playing a gig in the lobby of the Michelberger Hotel - number of attendees: 0, percentage of fun:140%.
3. Cycling through the Tiergarten - oh leafy paradise!
4. Hitlers bunker - sealed up 15 meters below the ground. On the surface it's a carpark, with gay sauna and Jewish dry cleaners adjacent. Take that Hitler.
Berlin Bottom 4
1. People on segways look like turbo nerds.
2. Fleamarkets full of WW2 memorbilia being sold off.. uniforms, medals, old photos, battered tin boxes.. it was just a little sad.
3. Checkpoint charlie being a tourist circus - complete wih uniformed actors.
4. The Michelberger would have been the best hotel EVER, if i hadn't wanted to punch all of the douchebags in the face constantly. So so many skinny jean wearing, sunglasses indoors, straw hat types everywhere, all looking slightly miserable for no apparent reason.
If you require further info on my trip to Berlin ring me on the telephone. or go here.
The owie
So upon returning to the Airport while realising I was in the wrong Terminal, i fell on the stairs. It made a cracking sound.
Due to the complete unhelpfulness of the Schönefeld Airport staff, i then dragged my swollen foot and luggage around till i found my gate and two lovely 16 year old twins got me ice for my foot from burger king.
So that's how i got to spent my birthday morning in A&E in Vincents hospital, but on the upside my cast is purple!
It's the little things!

there's hoipe for you yet.
wow, i really missed an opportunity!
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