Sunday, May 30, 2010

meeting people is easy

This week dear bloggie, i have mostly been living in a hotel room in limerick, eating alone in restaurants, and thinking obsessively about work. This has not lead to interesting blog fodder. I have discovered nothing new or interesting or worth sharing.

Except this one thing.
Last night i went to a gay, gay, fabulous eurovision party (kudos john and kenny), and amidst the clicks and spillages, my roots as an olde school eurovision fan came out. I used to love it! circa 1991 to 1996 - i was obsessed. i even had them all on video tape and regularly rewatched them all. I could even sing along in languages i couldn't speak!
I woke up this morning with several shades of hangover and a plan. I am going to enter the eurovision. I am going to give the cheeseyist performance of a life time. How you might ask.. How will you gauge this?
Cheese o meter? - no too non specific
A jury of your piers? - wheres the science in that?
Complex mathematical equations? - phsaawww!
The answer: ticking as many boxes as possible from the eurovision drinking game. yes.

Here is a run down of all the ones i intend to hit

  • Wink at camera
  • Drop to their knees
  • Make a peace sign
  • Sing in language other than English or native tongue (ie. Ukrainian sings Hasta La Vista)
  • Flick their hair
  • Mime heavy guitar solo
  • Play an 'ethnic' instrument
  • Play piano while standing
  • 'Ethnic' dancing
  • Pretend to fight
  • Helicopter shots
  • Any costume change
  • Any key change

And two that weren't on the linked list
  • White suits
  • Pyrotechnics

Can you imagine? Eurovision partys all over Europe, HAMMERED! really really HAMMERED!

I don't believe i can do it alone though. I need a task force.. a haus of Gaga of sorts... experts in performance, costume, songwritting, European cultural policy advisers, people who can make pie charts and graphs showing our popularity, bartenders....
Winning doesn't even matter, This is the stuff of DREAMS!!


A. x

Saturday, May 22, 2010

oh comely

, originally uploaded by gravity....
"i wonder if there is wifi in the park" - i actually thought this sentence, how wrong is that?

Things i have been thinking about this week:

  • Smells - I keep smelling things and then wondering if other people can smell them too, and then getting all 6th sense about it.
  • Digital and analogue - no matter if you're talking about Pianos or Cameras, Analogue is just ALWAYS better.
  • Epic amounts of crying - nothing serious, just work pressure, but 8 times in 3 days!
  • This sentence: Travel light. Live light. Spread the light. Be the light.

i hate LOST

The last episode of LOST is finally upon us, THANK JESUS! i cant stand LOST. i watch 1 and a half seasons before i found out how many they were signed up for and we were not going to find out till the end. i just didn't care enough, and to be honest felt a little cheated. dramatic, moi?

So my flatmates are getting up at 5AM to watch the last episode on Monday morning (Simultaneous broadcast with the USA) and so i got to thinking - if i was a lesser person what would i say to really annoy them while watching the last episode after a 3/4 year gap? oh ho ho.. let me tell you:

  1. "Who's that?" (x15)
  2. "Isn't he supposed to be dead?" (x15)
  3. "That Scottish fella has lovely hair"
  4. "Where's charlie?"
  5. "That's slightly racist"
  6. "Is he not supposed to be in a wheelchair?"
  7. "God, Jins English has really improved! Fair play lad, fair play!"
  8. "Oooooh i wonder what will happen NEXT WEEK!"

yup, lucky for them i have NO intention of getting up at 5am.

i can't get this neutral milk hotel song out of my head (and i don't want to)

Signing off
A Mizzle

Friday, May 14, 2010

, originally uploaded by gravity....

Aoife 1
Camera.. also 1, i suppose

Thursday, May 13, 2010


I have been going through the photography equivalent of a 3 o'clock slump for several months now. I think i might be a little intimidated by my new camera, it's a monster. So here is the mission i have set out before myself today: Take ruddy photos.
My favorite inspiration for Photos it a lovely community called Flickr Group Roulette - everyday some one picks a theme group from flickr and then everyone invades it (following the theme of course). Take a Gander
Today is "The fork ran away with the spoon" day

In other activities, i will be making a no doubt botched recording of a song i have been working on for the last ages. Its about a blind elderly dwarf. it's nice to be back to writing music again, it's been 4 or 5 years! I suppose because the billford is so amazing with his mad musical skills i though jeez what's the point! But it makes me happy and in the end no one has to hear to it!

Other tasks for today (or tomorrow):
  • Remove the wardrobe of clothes from the floor
  • Book hair appointment - those roots arent going to colour themselves
  • Book a room for me and billy for my cousins wedding
  • Book a driving lesson
  • Buy a camera bar that will fit the monster
  • Send a surprise package to Aoifs in Canada
  • Run to the bridge and back
  • Make a header for my blog

It i don't complete these tasks - that's ok. Because I'm on annual leave. *SMUGSVILLE*

To the Max