Friday, December 3, 2010
Alack! I have been tagged! Go on, Leave me! My legs are but hollow tubes.. leave me!
Why did you create the blog?
I started it a few years ago out of boredom. Originally I wanted to be a photo blog but my inane ramblings took over almost immediately. This year I turned over a new leaf though and decided to post more often. Its kind of a secret, only about 5 people know about it!
What kind of blogs do you follow?
The blogs I follow are mainly photography, culture, craft and fashion. I'm not a big blog reader to be honest, apart from the delectable Red Lemonade where I was tagged. I also like to keep abreast of 365things.
Favourite make up brand?
Probably Benefit because even their blush smells nice.
Favourite clothing brand?
If I had to pick one it would be Topshop. But none of that Kate Moss crap.
I used to like River Island, until I was shopping there with the Billzer one day and he point out that its a shop for prostitutes. I protested but he immediately pointed out 10 items that would be suitable to turn tricks in. It was like a veil was lifted, he was right. Now we call it "Whore Island".
Your indispensable make up product?
I dont think it really counts as make up but moisturiser. I can't not moisturise, its probably because I'm a filty smoker, but I feel like my skin is gonna dry up and fall off one of these days.
Favourite colour?
Green Green Green
Your perfume?
It by Benefit, it has a name .. but it escapes me right now.
Your favourite film?
All of the Lord of the Rings Films. The Darjeeling Limited, Amelie, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Milk, Lost in Translation, Mysterious Skin, Little Miss Sunshine, Good Will Hunting, Hot Fuzz, Killbill 1 and 2, Cabaret, Six Shooter,The Royal Tenembaums, The Hudsucker Proxy, Love Actually, Billy Elliot, The Chorus, Dead Mans Shoes, Rear window, North by Northwest, The Room, Purple Rain, On Deadly Ground, Under Seige 2: Dark Territory.
What country would you like to visit and why?
Iceland because I would like to see the Aurora Borealis
Write the last question and answer it yourself: What is the meaning of life?
If she in fact reads this post, I am here by tagging you Deedee O'Brian
Mulq x
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Snow nice to see you
What is it about snow that turn us all back into children? At 1 am last Saturday night (after a few beverages) a group of us headed to a roof top in Rathmines for a snowball fight, giddy as skittle fed kids we pelted each other with abandon, no allegences, every person for themselves. Looking over the the roof tops one our number noted that Rathmines looked almost Dickensian in the snow, like Oliver Twist should turn up shortly. He was right, so we snotted him with a snowball. Twat.
Since then I've become perilously addicted to checking the temperature on my iPhone. (3 degrees C)
Yesterday it was minus 7 so I took a screenshot as a souvenir
Mulq, the incredible
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
The future is upon us. Quite recently, in Trinity Colleges science museum, I played Mindball. Yes MINDball. With my MIND.
It's real!!!
For many years I have felt cheated by the future, BBCs Tomorrows world promised things that never came to fruition, Robots that could do flipping everything! Television also promised me a hovering skate board. Where the fuck is my hovering skateboard?
If "The Girl From Tomorrow" taught me anything, it's that I'd be wearing white and showering without taking my clothes off.
However, I am willing to leave all of that bitterness behind me now, because Mindball is Awesome.
I sat at the opposite end of a table from my foxy lover with a head band velcrod on and GO! Well actually not really GO..In order to win the game you have to be as relaxed as possible and whoever consistantly has the least erratic brainwaves wins. Here is a video of Regis and Kathy giving it a whirl
Initially i didnt know how to play, and i have to admit i kind of did a cockeyed stare and the ball while shouting MOVE!!! MOOOVE!!! in my head.
Turns out I'm crap at mindball, but in my defense its really hard to relax when the FUTURE is velcroed around my forehead.
Trinitys Science Museum is flipping amazing by the way. If it wasn't for all the kids. Darned kids.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Tips for Tripods
Naturally I have come up with a list myselfs.
- Don't be shy about jabbing rude people that have almost knocked you over with your crutches, and then watch the shame wash over them when they realise what they were hit with.
- Get a backpack with a chest strap - you'll look super sexy (for a nerd) and your bag wont fall off your shoulders
- Wear things with pockets - handy for storing things you cant carry in your hands when you are crutching around... which is everything. i found a bum bag, it is awesome.
- Getting food from where you have made it to where you want to eat it - this can be tricky if there are no handy people around, i suggest using flasks and lunchboxes.
- If you live in a two story house, when going from one floor to the other - pack as if you are going abroad.
- - they deliver.. let me clarify - they deliver booze.
- Be prepared for strangers to offer random advise - accept it with a smile unless its a bad story - like your leg will fall off or something. Those people are not your friends.
- Going up the stairs - good foot first then crutches, or if you're at home, bum first and everything else after
- Going down the stairs - crutches first then good foot.
- Up or down the stairs - if possible get someone to carry your other crutch and use a sturdy banister to help you.
- When you're sitting at home on your ass you're going to start feeling useless after a few days - remember it could have been worse - could have been your head. you need your head.
- Use socks and a surgical tape like Medisilk to pad the handles of your crutches - your hands will get sore anyways - but this will at least dull the pain - yaay!!
- Having a wash - if you have one of those shower over the bath jobbys then you are in luck! strap on that industrial thickness rubbish bag (cellotape and rubberbands are my weapon of choice) and sit down in it for the least trouble preventing water getting at your cast.
- Wash the toes of the foot that has the cast on, they get missed out on with the plastic bag over the leg job... and they will start to smell like a mature Stilton.
- Toe cooling devices - fibre glass casts can get inescapably hot, i recommend getting into a car and put the aircon on cool and then put your toasty toes up on the dashboard ..oohhh!
- If someone calls over to see how you are, prepare a list of things you want them to carry from one place to another.. they can do it alot easier than you!
- When people ask you what you have been doing? always say: dance classes, bungee jumping, skydiving, training for the marathon, or surfing lessons.. it cracks people up... but not the second time so made a list of people you have used this crack with to avoid embarrassment.
- Do something with your time -start a blog, learn HTML, relearn crochet, make a menagerie of small felt animals (below), organise your photos, read, watch IMDB top 250 movies, buy random things from ebay, laugh at the problem pages on, watch an entire dramatic tv series (the wire, sopranos, six feet under, the west wing) interspliced with a really awful comedy series (how i met your mother, the big band theory).. however it is always completely unacceptable to watch Two and a Half Men and the Jeremy Kyle show.
- Enjoy your new He-man arm muscles! Lift things over your head in a dramatic fashion! YAAAAARGAH!
Disclaimer: i don't accept any responsibility for bad thing that happen as a result of following this advise. I accept all responsibility for good things.
Friday, August 27, 2010
I went to Berlin and all i got was this lousy crack in my 5th metatarsal
Greetings from my parents sofa!
Since we last spoke I went on a short holiday to Berlin, it was class! I did lots of fun stuff, but instead of boring you with the details i'm just going to list my top 4 things and my bottom 4 things.
Berlin Top 4
1. Fat Tire bike tours - I'm never doing a bus tour ever again, absolutely the best way to see a new city.
2. Playing a gig in the lobby of the Michelberger Hotel - number of attendees: 0, percentage of fun:140%.
3. Cycling through the Tiergarten - oh leafy paradise!
4. Hitlers bunker - sealed up 15 meters below the ground. On the surface it's a carpark, with gay sauna and Jewish dry cleaners adjacent. Take that Hitler.
Berlin Bottom 4
1. People on segways look like turbo nerds.
2. Fleamarkets full of WW2 memorbilia being sold off.. uniforms, medals, old photos, battered tin boxes.. it was just a little sad.
3. Checkpoint charlie being a tourist circus - complete wih uniformed actors.
4. The Michelberger would have been the best hotel EVER, if i hadn't wanted to punch all of the douchebags in the face constantly. So so many skinny jean wearing, sunglasses indoors, straw hat types everywhere, all looking slightly miserable for no apparent reason.
If you require further info on my trip to Berlin ring me on the telephone. or go here.
The owie
So upon returning to the Airport while realising I was in the wrong Terminal, i fell on the stairs. It made a cracking sound.
Due to the complete unhelpfulness of the Schönefeld Airport staff, i then dragged my swollen foot and luggage around till i found my gate and two lovely 16 year old twins got me ice for my foot from burger king.
So that's how i got to spent my birthday morning in A&E in Vincents hospital, but on the upside my cast is purple!
It's the little things!

Sunday, August 15, 2010
Yarg! i will stamp on your car!!

greetings once again my petals!
As you can see from above image (look i have boobs!!) my birthday is soon to be upon me. 28 huh? O to the L D. People always give out when you complain that you're getting older.. but those people are usually 30, so you gotta feel for them.
Speaking of 30, i started my 30 things before I'm thirty list and got 12 items in before i was told that you're not allowed to start when your 27!! That's ridiculous! Is it true? How am i meant to afford to do all of these things in 1 year?
Any how here is my list so far:
1. Try to complete a Hedgemaze
2. Skydive
3. Falconry
4. Cycle the Tulip fields in Holland
5. Rock climbing
6. Complete a full marathon
7. Make a short film
8. Go horse riding
9. Climb a mountain
10. Have a spin in a chopper
11. Go to Newgrange
12. Go to the Giant’s Causeway
13. Hot air balloon trip
14. Learn to Moonwalk
15. Rocky Horror picture show
16. See aura borelis
Suggestions welcome (except stay away from anything to do with lakes, the sea, rivers, canals. i can stand near them but that's about it!)
This week i am off to BERLIN! I cant wait, I've even booked a cycling tour for my first day! I'm staying in a fancy pants hotel.. from it's reviews it sound like a beacon for douchbags! Imagine if urban outfitters was a! none the less i'm guaranteed interesting photos without even leaving the hotel! YAYZERS!
So long,
Saturday, July 31, 2010
I drove here yesterday from Limerick - yes Limerick 3 and half hours of a drive - Yawn factor 2,000. On the upside, come Monday i am officially back in Dublin for the foreseeable future. Thank goodness, i was going a little stir crazy in the Clarion. I had even begun to name the hotel staff (I'm too lazy to ask for their actual names). I'm gonna miss Lurch, Dave and Julian.
Speaking of stir crazy, thanks to Kargus/Aengryn for the idea to do this. I did graze my knee on the third take, but I'm over that now.
The original idea, was to do takes in different hotel rooms, but it looks like my business traveling life is over for now, so this will have to do :)
Moving back to the present.
Have you ever noticed how places in Sligo sound very poetic or onomatopoeic? (That the biggest word I've used in a while)
For example:
How bout Dooney Rock. Doooooney Rrrock!
ok i cant think of others right now.
Anyhow, I'm going to Leonard Cohen tonight, it's out in an old estate house called Lisadell. Yay for the elderly!
see ya
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
car crash of cute
Here are the videos that i watch to make me feel fuzzy on the inside
surprise kitty - 17 seconds of cute
slow loris - after you get over the "what the hell is that?" he looks so sad when the tickles stop :(
baby polar bear = awh
bunny cam - it is what it says
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
to be* or not to be*
5 things that are awesome
1. Bombay Pantry Chicken tikka masala - get in to my belly.
2. Beethovens Moonlight sonata 3rd movement played by Daniel Barenboim - GO OLD DUDE!
3. The Wire - what I've seen so far is amazing. Apart from all the surprise cock in season two, Why??
4. I'm on a boat AND, it's going fast AND, I've got a nautical themed pashmina afghan
5. This video - laugh laugh laugh laugh.
5 things that are not awesome
1. Talking like you're in an episode of the Wire - mos' def shortie.
2. Finding out pivotal plot points of the wire from Google predictive search - D'OH!
3. No being able to hurt my phones feelings - i just feel that stamping on it isn't getting the point
4. Using "dot com" as a phrase in conversation where it does not belong. Example, 'i was terrified dot com but now I'm ecstatic dot ie!" or "That's a bit last minute dot com!". Die.
5. On a Saturday afternoon, thinking that you're ringing Michael your friend, when you're actually ringing Michéal a scary manager from work, noooooooooooooooo!!
word up to ya mama
Sunday, May 30, 2010
meeting people is easy
Except this one thing.
Last night i went to a gay, gay, fabulous eurovision party (kudos john and kenny), and amidst the clicks and spillages, my roots as an olde school eurovision fan came out. I used to love it! circa 1991 to 1996 - i was obsessed. i even had them all on video tape and regularly rewatched them all. I could even sing along in languages i couldn't speak!
I woke up this morning with several shades of hangover and a plan. I am going to enter the eurovision. I am going to give the cheeseyist performance of a life time. How you might ask.. How will you gauge this?
Cheese o meter? - no too non specific
A jury of your piers? - wheres the science in that?
Complex mathematical equations? - phsaawww!
The answer: ticking as many boxes as possible from the eurovision drinking game. yes.
Here is a run down of all the ones i intend to hit
- Wink at camera
- Drop to their knees
- Make a peace sign
- Sing in language other than English or native tongue (ie. Ukrainian sings Hasta La Vista)
- Flick their hair
- Mime heavy guitar solo
- Play an 'ethnic' instrument
- Play piano while standing
- 'Ethnic' dancing
- Pretend to fight
- Helicopter shots
- Any costume change
- Any key change
And two that weren't on the linked list
- White suits
- Pyrotechnics
Can you imagine? Eurovision partys all over Europe, HAMMERED! really really HAMMERED!
I don't believe i can do it alone though. I need a task force.. a haus of Gaga of sorts... experts in performance, costume, songwritting, European cultural policy advisers, people who can make pie charts and graphs showing our popularity, bartenders....
Winning doesn't even matter, This is the stuff of DREAMS!!
A. x
Saturday, May 22, 2010
oh comely
, originally uploaded by gravity....
"i wonder if there is wifi in the park" - i actually thought this sentence, how wrong is that?
Things i have been thinking about this week:
- Smells - I keep smelling things and then wondering if other people can smell them too, and then getting all 6th sense about it.
- Digital and analogue - no matter if you're talking about Pianos or Cameras, Analogue is just ALWAYS better.
- Epic amounts of crying - nothing serious, just work pressure, but 8 times in 3 days!
- This sentence: Travel light. Live light. Spread the light. Be the light.
i hate LOST
The last episode of LOST is finally upon us, THANK JESUS! i cant stand LOST. i watch 1 and a half seasons before i found out how many they were signed up for and we were not going to find out till the end. i just didn't care enough, and to be honest felt a little cheated. dramatic, moi?
So my flatmates are getting up at 5AM to watch the last episode on Monday morning (Simultaneous broadcast with the USA) and so i got to thinking - if i was a lesser person what would i say to really annoy them while watching the last episode after a 3/4 year gap? oh ho ho.. let me tell you:
- "Who's that?" (x15)
- "Isn't he supposed to be dead?" (x15)
- "That Scottish fella has lovely hair"
- "Where's charlie?"
- "That's slightly racist"
- "Is he not supposed to be in a wheelchair?"
- "God, Jins English has really improved! Fair play lad, fair play!"
- "Oooooh i wonder what will happen NEXT WEEK!"
yup, lucky for them i have NO intention of getting up at 5am.
i can't get this neutral milk hotel song out of my head (and i don't want to)
Signing off
A Mizzle
Thursday, May 13, 2010
My favorite inspiration for Photos it a lovely community called Flickr Group Roulette - everyday some one picks a theme group from flickr and then everyone invades it (following the theme of course). Take a Gander
Today is "The fork ran away with the spoon" day
In other activities, i will be making a no doubt botched recording of a song i have been working on for the last ages. Its about a blind elderly dwarf. it's nice to be back to writing music again, it's been 4 or 5 years! I suppose because the billford is so amazing with his mad musical skills i though jeez what's the point! But it makes me happy and in the end no one has to hear to it!
Other tasks for today (or tomorrow):
- Remove the wardrobe of clothes from the floor
- Book hair appointment - those roots arent going to colour themselves
- Book a room for me and billy for my cousins wedding
- Book a driving lesson
- Buy a camera bar that will fit the monster
- Send a surprise package to Aoifs in Canada
- Run to the bridge and back
- Make a header for my blog
It i don't complete these tasks - that's ok. Because I'm on annual leave. *SMUGSVILLE*
To the Max
- 30 things (1)
- airport (1)
- america (1)
- awesome (2)
- badgers (1)
- berlin (2)
- birthday (1)
- boobs (1)
- broken foot (1)
- cast (1)
- coffee (1)
- cold (1)
- comedy (1)
- conspiracy (1)
- day in the life (1)
- decoy (1)
- Dickens (1)
- douchebags (1)
- exhibition (1)
- fight (1)
- film (1)
- first (1)
- food (1)
- future (1)
- german (1)
- google (1)
- hot (1)
- humour (1)
- insipid (1)
- life (1)
- LOST (1)
- lunacy (1)
- mindball (1)
- music (1)
- not (2)
- oh comely (1)
- oscar (1)
- owie (1)
- photo (2)
- presidential candidates (1)
- random thoughts (1)
- rathmines (1)
- roadkill (1)
- rogue conservationists (1)
- science (1)
- segway (1)
- snow (1)
- snowball (1)
- Strangelove (1)
- tanks (1)
- tomorrows world (1)
- trinity science museum (1)
- turbo nerds (1)
- tv (2)
- video seth mcfarlane funny gross (1)
- welcome (1)
- whatever (1)
- wire (1)
- wood (1)